How have you reacted to the new period, marked by the pandemic, that has started in 2020 ? Our first priority has been to protect our vulnerable employees by introducing teleworking or granting exceptional leave. We then organised ourselves in order to be able to maintain our activities over the long term and avoid shutting down the company. Which innovation(s) or product(s) have you developed in 2020 and would like to highlight ? As our company aims to create and provide workplaces for (…)
The Eurotec Newsletter
Special Resilience
Interview (EN-FR-DE) with Stéphane Perret, CEO at Fanuc Switzerland
How have you reacted to the new period, marked by the pandemic, that has started in 2020 ? This situation gave us the opportunity to set up a home office, to take advantage of the benefits of video conferencing and to make everyone more responsible. Team spirit, mutual trust and the search for dialogue are always the keys to developing new positive synergies Which innovation(s) or product(s) have you developed in 2020 and would like to highlight ? We are proud to have launched the biggest (…)
Special Resilience
Interview (EN-FR-DE) with Urs Canonica, PR manager at Erowa
How have you reacted to the new period, marked by the pandemic, that has started in 2020 ? An extraordinary situation requires extraordinary measures. With its motto "We are here for you – today more than ever", EROWA offers its customers the necessary perspectives, even in times of pandemic. Thanks to advances in digitalisation, we remain in close contact with our customers despite the distance. For example, we advise them directly from our showroom using innovative video conferencing (…)
maxon et Fourier Intelligence s’engagent dans une étroite collaboration
Le groupe maxon et Fourier Intelligence annoncent la mise en place d’un partenariat stratégique global. Les systèmes d’entraînement de précision maxon et la rééducation robotique de la start-up Fourier sont parfaitement compatibles et devraient mettre de nouvelles technologies au service des patients. La robotique des exosquelettes de Fourier Intelligence : ExoMotus™ X2. Le rôle de la technologie va croissant dans le domaine de la rééducation et les soins. Aussi, les médecins (…)
Special Resilience
Interviews "Special resilience"
Continuation of the interviews with today’s testimony from Manfred Hermanns, Board of management, Ecoclean. How have you reacted to the new period, marked by the pandemic, that has started in 2020 ? Humans have spread out on earth because they can adapt. Mankind has survived much worse pandemics than the current one. I just need to remind you of the plague. We are also adapting to this within the SBS Ecoclean Group and will survive this pandemic together with our employees. Which (…)
Special Resilience
Interviews "Special resilience"
Continuation of the interviews with today’s testimony from Alexandre Catton, CEO at EPHJ. How have you reacted to the new period, marked by the pandemic, that has started in 2020 ? We have done everything up to the last moment to ensure that the show is maintained. In agreement with our exhibitors, we wanted to actively contribute to this revival and help them overcome these difficulties. Our exhibitors needed it. To get back in touch with the market, to present their products, their (…)
Special Resilience
Interviews "Special resilience"
Continuation of the interviews with today’s testimony from Stefany Goschmann, CEO at SMA Südwest Messe- und Ausstellungen. How have you reacted to the new period, marked by the pandemic, that has started in 2020 ? The ban, due to the coronavirus, of our largest exhibition shortly before its launch and the subsequent containment were a real economic challenge for our company. To get through this critical period, we have developed solutions together with our team members, exhibitors and (…)
Special Resilience
Interviews "Special resilience"
Continuation of the interviews with today’s testimony from Yves Nanchen, director at Clip Industrie. How have you reacted to the new period, marked by the pandemic, that has started in 2020 ? We have listened to our customers because many of them have taken the opportunity to improve the use of CLIPPER at home. This period has also allowed us to put in place solutions adapted to each client’s training needs. Webinars were also organised. Which innovation(s) or product(s) have you (…)
Special Resilience
Interviews "special resilience"
Today we start a series of interviews (English-French-German) on the theme of resilience in which you will discover how the year 2020 was experienced in companies. Todays’ interview : Dr.-Ing. Beate Hüttermann, sales Manager CemeCon AG How have you reacted to the new period, marked by the pandemic, that has started in 2020 ? The coronavirus suddenly put an end to on-site meetings. We have shown flexibility in devising ways that allow us to continue to support our clients in the best (…)
SIAMS : les exposants ont décidé. Réservez la date du 5 mai 2021 !
Pour permettre aux exposants de SIAMS de continuer de communiquer par les canaux SIAMS, les organisateurs ont mis en place une grande consultation citoyenne au sein de la communauté des exposants à SIAMS. Plusieurs solutions ont été discutées et analysées et les premières solutions concrètes sont aujourd’hui en cours de mise en place. Une journée de conférences autour des tendances du futur dans l’industrie de la microtechnique et des solutions proposées par les exposants de SIAMS prendra (…)